From March 4th through the 15th, we were blessed to host a team from our home church, Calvary AG in Toledo, Ohio. Led by our Executive pastor (former youth pastor) Bill McGinnis, and including Calvary's children's pastor, Keith Kurtz, along with 18 others(including our daughter Caitlyn!)
On Sunday, March 7th, the team divided into 3 groups and each traveled to a different church to minister. That evening, we all came together for for a combined Youth Service. About 6 churches were represented, and over 100 youth attended. Pr. Bill preached and others shared their life stories.
On Monday, March 8th, the team ministered in one of our feedings in a community right on the ocean in Aklan. Our team helped build a "kubo", which is a bamboo shelter that the children will use while they eat their meals. The team visited people in the community, and were often invited in their homes. Through these relationships, team members were able to pray with their hosts.
In the afternoon, our program started with Pr. Keith & the team sharing fun songs with the kids, then acted out Bible stories with some of the children from the feeding. Thanks to the donations from people at Calvary AG in Toledo, we were able to give gifts to the children, and a bag of food to the mothers in the feeding. It was a great day of ministry! (become a fan of CCMP: Childcare Community Ministries Philippines on facebook, and you can see pictures from the trip!)
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