Calendar for Services/Meetings

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Toledo Calvary Missions Team! (day 2)

OK, sorry about not staying more current. I know the purpose of a blog is to post things as they happen. I'm not there yet, but I'm working on it!

On Tuesday, March 9th, we traveled to our 2nd feeding. This is held on a basketball court in the community, and during our scouting trip, we noticed there were no backboards or hoops for the court.

As a side-project, we decided to hang new backboards & rims for the community while the feeding & program were taking place.

Many in the community were eager to help, and after a supply run we were fast at work on the backboards. We ran into a snag when we discovered we didn't have a drill bit large enough for the bolt holes, but Karl Heiss was able to use his construction skills to enlarge the holes.

The rest of the team did a great job ministering to the kids and their moms in this feeding, and headed on to the next one while we stayed back to finish the backboards.

The guys in the community quickly painted the backboards, and hung them by standing on the back of a tricycle (motorcycle with sidecar), while others waited eagerly to play. In fact, a game started before the paint was even dry!

We then met up with the rest of the team as they ministered in another feeding. The great thing about this is that as they minister to the children and their families, others in the community are standing on the periphery watching the program. I believe that along with the children and their families, many were impacted by the stories and illustrations shared by the team.

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