Calendar for Services/Meetings

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Giving Thanks...

Racquel lives in the Philippines in area called Montalban, along the river that last year brought flood waters that devastated the area. We'd been there recently with a small team from the States who ministered to the children and mothers/women in the area.

I just received this message of thanks from Racquel, and I wanted to share it with you:

Subject: God is good
thank you for directoring the CCMP
feeding program...
and to be good for us...
and thank you for helping my sibling isidra 
you know what ma'am beth and sir steve
i dont know how to thank both of you
but i want to say thank you for everything
God bless

In this time of Thanksgiving, Beth & I give thanks for the opportunity to minister here in the Philippines, and we especially give thanks for so many faithful churches and supporters like you, who allow us to feed and minister to Racquel, Isidra, and many others like them through CCMP's feeding program. 

Thank you for investing in the future of the Philippines!

Have a wonderful 

Thanksgiving Holiday!

 ~ Steve, Beth, Caitlyn & Evan Dailey

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